Bungie’s recent Twitch livestream gave us a detailed look at Year 2 of Destiny 2‘s post-launch content. Namely, the game’s next piece of add-on content was given a formal introduction, and it’s a huge one. Destiny 2: Forsaken will go live this fall, and it’ll be bringing numerous changes to the game.
This stream yielded fewer story details than Bungie’s reveal for Warmind a couple of months ago as they’re saving some information for E3. It was revealed, however, that Forsaken would bring a new campaign, new areas to explore, and new player abilities. Bungie described Forsaken as having a western vibe, and will bring players to a previously unseen section of the Reef made from stitched-together asteroids: the Tangled Shore. Here’s Bungie’s synopsis for the DLC:
Following years of strife, what remains of the Reef has fallen to lawlessness. You and Cayde-6 are sent to personally investigate the recent unrest. Upon arrival, you soon discover the most-wanted criminals in the Prison of Elders have organized an escape. Beyond the Vanguard’s authority, you’ll pursue these fugitives deep into the Reef. Explore new regions, awaken new powers, earn powerful weapons, and uncover long lost Awoken secrets. The hunt is on.
Forsaken will bring a new PvPvE mode to the game called Gambit. The hybrid mode combines competitive and cooperative gameplay, pitting two teams of 4 against each other. The teams “race to summon a Primeval enemy and be the first to burn it down,” according to Bungie’s description of the mode. While that happens, teams also disrupt one another, either by “sending a combatant blocker or invading directly with one of your own players.”
The DLC also includes new subclass branches which introduce 9 additional supers and new powers. New exotic weapons, armor, and gear will be added for players to collect, and a new weapon archetype is being added: the bow. Players will now be able to incorporate archery into their gameplay, shooting down enemies with laser arrows from bows of all different types.
Bungie’s stream revealed a second location being added: the Dreaming City. This new location was “built from the ground up to support endgame content” and includes a new raid. Bungie is also adding an Annual Pass for players to purchase which “provides bonus rewards and introduces three premium content releases.” The Annual Pass grants access to even more new activities, end-game content, and “an arsenal of powerful weapons, armor, and gear to earn.” You’ll be able to pick up the pass for $35, or a bundle with the DLC and pass for $70. Forsaken alone will sell for $40, which is a heftier price than most standalone DLC; hopefully the vast amount of new content Bungie is promising pays off for the game.
Forsaken will launch this September for PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and the Xbox One. You can watch Bungie’s full hour-long livestream reveal for Year 2 below.