So it looks like the unintentional leak on April Fool’s Day from the Borderlands Twitter account proved to be true. Borderlands 3 has been officially announced for release on September 13, 2019. Along with the release date, the game has a new trailer, though it seems like most of the shots shown were already debuted in the reveal trailer. However, the new trailer does contain something that the previous did not: the names of all four vault hunters and that of the baddies. You can check out the newest trailer below.
In addition to the release date being leaked, albeit, by Gearbox themselves, another leak turned out to hold water as well. Earlier this year, a leak surfaced revealing the name of the main antagonists, and our playable vault hunters. The Calypso Twins will be the main source of headache for the vault hunters in the new game, and while we don’t know their individual names yet (the leak claims Troy for the male of the duo), both look incredibly badass. The leaked vault hunter names were also proven (mostly) correct; Moze, Zane, Amara, and Fl4k (leaked “Flak,” points off for spelling).
Borderlands 3 has also been claimed by Epic as a 6-month exclusive for PC, according to Gamasutra. Though the exclusive deal will only last half a year, less than others such as Phoenix Point, and the Quantic Dream trio, both of which will be Epic exclusive for a year after launch, it’s still a blow to those against the Epic Store. Other online storefronts, unfortunately, will have to wait until April of 2020 to be able to sell the game. David Ismailer, president of the game’s publisher 2K, commented on the decision. “Our mission, in addition to delivering the most engaging and captivating entertainment experiences, is to embrace new distribution platforms that will contribute to our effort to grow the audience for Borderlands 3.”
Borderlands 3 will be available September 13 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC through the Epic Games Store. You can preorder now at the Borderlands website to get a Gold Weapons Skin Pack.