Last week it was announced that we would be receiving Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One. However, some fans were disappointed that a Nintendo release–be it for either the Wii U or, dare we say it, a glimmer of hope for a 3DS launch–was seemingly not in the works. Well, fear not! It appears, according to a mysterious and cheeky tweet from the game’s co-creator, Tyrone Rodriguez, that a future for a Wii U release might not be so impossible after all…
it's lonely on top pic.twitter.com/r6IsWg713z
— Tyrone Rodriguez (@tyronerodriguez) January 14, 2016
The above screencap shows Rodriguez messing around on the popular rogue game’s leaderboards using the developer’s name. The date? Yesterday. The tweet? “It’s lonely at the top.” Rodriguez is also clearly utilizing the Wii U tablet, which probably knocked the wind out of many a viewer on first sight.
In the recent past, the power couple, developing duo at Nicalis were reluctant to outright state if BOI: Afterbirth would or would not receive a Wii U release. The air on twitter was full of the dejected sighs of disappointed fans. However, the winds have changed! While this tweet does not definitively outright state a confirmation, it is a strong nod in the right direction for eager fans. A Wii U launch has long time been requested, and it’s heartwarming to see developers at Niclis carry on their streak of well delivered fanservice and continue to expand their console horizons as their games also further expand!
It is not confirmed whether or not this also means a release for the Nintendo 3DS, but fans remain hopeful for the possibility.
No official word on a launch date, nor a set asking price. We will continue to keep our eyes peeled on their official website, or the creator’s Twitters (Both Rodriguez and McMillen) for any further announcements.
Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for good news in the near future!