Battlefield 1 E3 2016

After first hearing that EA will be going back to World War One for their new installment of Battlefield I was skeptical until that first announcement trailer came out. After that I was all aboard that hype train and was very excited to see what was to follow. A little later we got a brief multiplayer trailer that showed us some crazy warfare with trenches, explosions, and a man charging a machine gunner with a mace. If you have not yet seen this quick trailer check it out below.

Now, just a few hours ago the EA E3 Press Conference just ended and they released a new trailer for Battlefield 1 and this one has shown a lot of promise for the game. Within this trailer we seem to get a glimpse of what is to come in the single player of the game. With excellent graphics, crazy dogfights against other pilots and even a big air blimp. The attention to detail on the graphics is clear in this trailer. If you missed EA’s Conference here is the trailer below.

After having a lot of fun on Battlefield 4 I am excited to what this game has to offer. This game makes what seemed to be a rather dull war for a game look like an excellent experience for gamers all around, and from their initial trailer’s views and likes on YouTube it is clear that many fans are excited for this game to come out.

Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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