So Batman: Arkham Knight is weeks away from release and if you have played any of the previous Arkham games, you’ll know that they have no reason to be rated Mature, which makes you ask the question: “What have they done different this time around?” Well, no details have been released quite yet on what is new with Rocksteady’s upcoming Batman: Arkham Knight, but trust me, we are sitting on the edge of our seats waiting with anticipation; anticipation of what is to come with all that Batman goodness we all love.
Rocksteady was told to try and bring down the rating of Arkham Knight from Mature to Teen, but game director Sefton Hill had this to say about the rating: “I’m not blind to the fact that [the M rating] does mean some fans will miss out… I don’t want to be oblivious to that fact. It would have been wrong to water down the game and deliver a story we didn’t believe in to keep the game ‘mass market’ or enable it for more people.” He added that “We’re not including gratuitous blood or swearing,” If you would like to read the full interview over at IGN just follow this link.
It would be nice to see a Batman game that is darker. If you are like me and read some of the original comic books, you’ll know Batman can get pretty brutal at times. Rocksteady has released a new trailer recently and has put some hidden (Easter eggs) codes in it; maybe they will be a hint of how the game has made a change from “Teen” to “Mature”.
It is said that the game will stick to its roots and players still will not be killing anyone as Batman (shucks), but that doesn’t mean this game won’t be any less interesting. Because of this, I feel like this game may have a lot more adult buyers this time around, considering the M rating will get some heads turning. This game was orginally going to be released in October 2014, but was pushed back to make sure the game was perfect. With the new release date of June 2nd I know I can’t wait for it to get here just to see what Rocksteady has to offer us this time. I’m personally hoping they will be incorporating an idea from the new Mortal Kombat and bring in bone breaking effects, What are some ideas you are hoping to see in the new Batman: Arkham Knight?