Bandai Namco is no stranger to releasing teaser websites. One of the more recent teaser websites was for My Hero Academia, with its website launching back in November. Now, Bandai Namco is back at it again, and have released a teaser website for a brand new horror game. While there are barely any details, we might know the name of the game, Domas.
As with every teaser website initially, there can only be heavy speculation at first. What we can gather so far, however, are a few key words within the website. According to Gematsu, there are a few important meta keywords attached to the website are “Zombies” and “Horror”. In addition, its OG description reads: “A mysterious website appears? This summer, what will happen…”. From this alone, it is pretty much hard evidence that this will be a horror game, and there will also be zombies involved somehow.
Also with the teaser website, we get a grainy, bleak video of a house during sunset, with a “PLAY” icon at the top left. We also get a battery life icon, the title “domas-SCENE01”, and a date, August 30, at the bottom right corner. It can be inferred that this video is pre-recorded, and we are seeing what has been recorded before. The first, official teaser of Domas might begin with this almost still image, and from the looks of things, we will be getting an update on August 30 regarding this.
This type of perspective technique, where the main character records the game’s events as they take place in real time, are a throwback to the widely successful Outlast, which used this exact technique to raving review back in 2013. From the way the teaser website is set up, it might not be a far fetched claim that this game might take up that same perspective.
Domas will most likely have an update on August 30, so we will bring you the mysterious details as they unfold.