Atomic Heart Is An Upcoming Soviet FPS About Tackling Evil Forces And Unraveling Secrets

Atomic Heart is upcoming adventure first-person shooter that takes place during the high noon of the Soviet Union. You’ll adopt the role of a special agent and begin unraveling the truth before an unsuccessful landing mission that went horribly wrong.

You’ll begin your mission in an alternative version of the Soviet Union where you are sent to a highly secret object upon it going into radio silence. Propelled by government officials, you’ll soon come before a Soviet setting that is drenched in insanity and mystique. The truth before your mission is an obtuse one, so this means various secrets will need to be carefully unfolded to reach any kind of answer, and peace must be ultimately restored to consider your mission a success.

Utilizing action-adventure horror mechanics, Atomic Heart pairs a distinctly dated world with the likes of robotic entities. You’ll mainly be using your hands for this one, and will have the option to fight through the dense Soviet forests with myriad weapons you’ll find along the way. The Soviet scientists have gone absolutely mad, and you’ll begin to notice that you’re spending an awfully long amount of time in hospitals or clinics. Once sterile and white, you’ll be lucky to find quarters that are not painted red with blood as you’re exploring a world that hardly makes logical sense.

In a bionic world not dissimilar from the aesthetics of the BioShock series, Atomic Heart will have you pinned against clowns, the undead, and android enemies. Your setting is both ancient and futuristic, with possibilities of endless war, and never-ending blood splatter.

There is no set release date for Atomic Heart yet, but prospective players can expect it to drop for PC sometime this year. If this sounds interesting to you, be sure to check out the trailer below.

Tiffany Cullen: Full-time Bloodborne PvP champion, slinger of spells, poet, author, UCLA graduate, and achievement hunting specialist.
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