Ubisoft has added a new feature within their most recent update to the PC version of Assassin’s Creed: Origins that will allow players to essentially “hack” the game to anyway they see fit. The update has provided players within the Animus Control Panel which gives them access to over 70 different options to change the overall gameplay experience. These sliders in turn can effect either how Bayek behaves within the game, the enemies he faces, or how things within the environment such as animals react to him.
Some players may want to increase speed, stealth, slow down foes, or even take charge of hoards of animals. All of these options gives the players the choice to either drastically give the game a different experience or to slightly change features in order to fit their unique playstyles. For example, players can adjust the game to a Hardcore Stealth mode which will allow enemies to detect them more easily than usual. But to balance it players will also be able to assassinate enemies win one blow.
For those who are more suited to frontal assaults players can either increase their attack speed and lower stun time, or slow down the speed between swings and decrease health. There are so many options that will give certainly give fans a reason to jump back into the game. Developer Ubisoft says that the new feature can be “overwhelming” to some players, so to counteract this they implemented a few presets in order for players to start off with as a basis.