Season 12 of Apex Legends is set to be released on February 8, 2022. The newest season is going to be called Defiance and will feature multiple different additions to the game. Along with a new game mode that is going to be called Control, fans were told about the coming of a new character as well. Mad Maggie is the newest addition to the list of legends that can be played within the game and her abilities have been officially released!
Dive into the new limited-time mode Control, see the latest Legend Mad Maggie in action, and battle amidst the chaos of a sabotaged Olympus 💥
Coming with Apex Legends: Defiance on Feb 8. pic.twitter.com/KYybvbV3Sj
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) January 31, 2022
Margaret “Mad Maggie” Kōhere was born on Salvo and grew up as the best friend of current legend Fuse. Eventually, the two grew older and a rift formed between the pair over the decision for Salvo to join the Syndicate Alliance of Free Worlds. Mad Maggie believed that Salvo should have no part in the Alliance and the two got into an argument. This argument finished with Fuse losing his arm due to a grenade that Mad Maggie pulled the pin out of.
Now that Mad Maggie has joined the fight, Apex Legends has officially released her abilities. Mad Maggie currently has two abilities that occur regardless of how the player reacts to the in-game actions. First, Mad Maggie will temporarily highlight other players that she has caused damage to. This ability allows the player to easily see the target that they have injured and allows for much easier targeting. Next, Mad Maggie will be able to move equally efficiently with a shotgun than any other weapon. This ability is important since players will maintain their movement speed when they have a shotgun that is being used or that is holstered.
In addition to these two abilities, Mad Maggie also has two more that can benefit players during the game. First, Maggie is able to utilize a riot drill during the game. This drill allows for players to burn enemies through another obstacle. The drill has the power to do a total of 160 damage depending on the obstacle that it will be firing through. Finally, Mad Maggie has a bomb that can deal up to 20 damage when it is detonated. This bomb will bounce off of walls in a zig zag pattern that can deal damage to the enemy team.
Overall, these abilities that Mad Maggie is equipped with have the potential to turn her into one of the most aggressive characters in the entire game!