Animal Crossing: New Leaf Sold Over 7 million Copies

Animal Crossing: New Leaf  has been a successful and perfect addition to the popular series. The series’ creator, Katsuya Eguchi, has revealed at the GDC 2014 conference that the game has sold 7.38 million copies worldwide. Shacknews reported that after a month after its North American launch last June, “it had already sold 5 million copies worldwide, including more than 1 million outside Japan. It crossed to 6 million according to financial reports in October.”

The addictive game that always has something to keep the player hooked, has players become the mayor of their own town and allows them to roam and keep it up with daily duties. The title keeps fresh by offering something new to do every month, with holidays to celebrate and special events. What makes it more enjoyable is the opportunity to welcome new villagers into their town as their neighbor.

As Mayor you will be spending most of your time making money in the currency of Bells. You’ll need it in order to build a new work projects, like it will be 128,000 Bells to be able to build a bridge in your town. There are many ways of making money to be able to help build and also get new items for your home.

“It opened us up to a variety of tastes and likings,” said Director Aya Kyogoku. “Male and females and a variety of ages participated. We were able to leverage our diverse team, which couldn’t be possible if one person was making all the decisions.”

The previous title of Animal Crossing, you had to text or call your friends to see if they were on, but with this new title New Leaf it has a buddy list to see who is online, and this game was to not only symbolize communication, but to leave notes, screenshots and just incorporate relationships and community in the real world.

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