Today marks the first official event for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, The Bunny Day event. The first seasonal event in the game will have players partaking in Easter-themed experiences, most of which will pertain to a new character in the game, Zipper T. Bunny. To gain access to this event, you’ll have to have the latest update for the game, and have a Nintendo Account linked to their online profile. Both steps are fairly easy to complete, as the majority of Nintendo Switch games nowadays utilize the Switch’s online capabilities to their fullest potential.
[Announcement] The Bunny Day event will run from 4/1 – 4/12. To participate in this event, players will need to download the latest game update and have a Nintendo Account linked to their user profile. #ACNH #AnimalCrossing pic.twitter.com/5J7FD6dkSm
— Tom Nook (@animalcrossing) March 31, 2020
Once you locate Zipper T. Bunny on your island, you’ll find out that he has scattered numerous eggs around the island, and wants you to locate them. The famous egg hunt that has become a long-lasting Eater tradition in real life is in full force here, as the main objective is to find as many eggs as possible. Eggs can be found not only on land-based areas, but buried underground, and or underneath the water. Therefore, you’ll need to use the right tools to get your hands on them.
Once you have possession of the eggs, you’ll find that they are actually crafting materials that can be molded into egg-themed appliances for your island. This includes chairs, tables, balloons, and even headbands. As with every item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, each product will require a certain amount of eggs to be created. Since Nintendo hasn’t stated just how many will be needed for any of the appliances, we’ll just have to find out for ourselves when we get our egg hunt on.
This is the first of many seasonal events that Nintendo has in store for fans. The game has already broken sales records for the Switch, and with new events such as this coming and going through the year, the game will more than likely see new players, increasing those numbers at the same time. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available now for the Nintendo Switch. The Bunny Day event begins today and ends on April 12.