From updates to datamines to hints of DLC characters, Soulcalibur VI has had a busy few weeks. But since its launch back in mid-October, the game is still fresh in players’s mind and it’s clear they’re hunting for more content from the creators. So during a patch update in January, Twitter user KoenjiUK went into the patchnotes and dug themselves some datamined information hidden within, and shared it to the public:
Actually misinfo from me! I extracted the wrong thing. These are the new SC6 files. They are infact real, make sure you exteact the right files from your game folder and don’t derp out like I did. Have a good day @Flying_Wonkey pic.twitter.com/PzxpX1giGs
— UYU | Koenji (@KoenjiUK) January 17, 2019
At the time, there were only two names, Cassandra and Amy. Cassandra, being a long-time familiar name to the Soulcalibur franchise since Soulcalibur II, comes as no shock to many people as an upcoming DLC character. However, Amy is, in a way.
The character Amy had actually only been mentioned in Soulcalibur II as fencer fighter Raphael’s adoptive daughter. But it wasn’t until the third installment that she was a playable character, and soon enough was added to the entourage. She has a similar fighting style to Raphael, using a rapier and fencing stance, though hers has a little more dancer-like movements to it. And, during the Evo Japan tournament in Fukuoka, she was announced as an upcoming DLC character:
This confirms one of the two named characters as DLC from the datamine leak. The only other named one is Cassandra, and she is still unannounced. Though along with their two names, there was a list of codenames that were barred along with them: Stone, Yell, Star, Snow, Reptile and Yellow. Since the leak, fans of the franchise have been attempting to figure out which codename leads to which character. The furthest they’ve gotten is Stone might mean Rock from the first Soulcalibur game, back when it was called Soul Blade. Whether or not this is true, it is one of the theories.
Amy has no set release date of when she’ll be available other than ‘Soon’.