With today officially marking the beginning of E3, Nintendo chose to go all out and revealed some big news during their press conference this morning. Below you can find a rundown of all the major news revealed by the company today and all their plans for future developments, mostly with the Nintendo Switch.
As the live stream began we got to see a first hand account of the newest games making their way to the Nintendo Switch, the first being Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The game appeared to run much like a turn style combat game much like what we would see in a Pokemon battle, but being on the Switch, players will be able to free roam.
Following that clip we are brought straight into another first preview of a Kirby game which has a release date sometime in 2018.
Tsunekazu Ishihara, a member of the Pokemon Company talked briefly on the next installment of Pokeen Tournament Deluxe which will be making its way to the Nintendo Switch. Players will be able to battle each other on a Nintendo Switch by allowing each player to use one joy con controller and battling on a single Nintendo Switch. More importantly however, Ishihara announced that the company had begun creating a Pokemon RPG for the switch. The only real information revealed was the fact that it wouldn’t be coming out for at least a year.
All the games shown during the live stream for the Nintendo Switch are planned on being released sometime this year or in 2018. The first title shown was Yoshi, an adventure game that tasks players with moving through the world how they want while trying to navigate to the end of each map. The game has a planned released date of sometime in 2018.
Now what was pretty exciting was the fact that in the Nintendo Switch version of Skyrim, announced during the Bethesda press conference, there will be a select few Legend of Zelda items making its way into the game. Eiji Aonuma then revealed a little bit about the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC packs. The first, The Master trials, will include a new adventure Trial of the Sword while also adding a new hero path mode, new armor sets, Korok mask, and master mode. The first expansion will be released on June 30th, and the second, The Champions’ Ballad, will follow in the coming holiday season.
Another big announcement is that the popular PC and Console game Rocket League will be making its way to the Nintendo Switch. A Mario hat can be seen as a topper on one of the cars, so I assume its safe to say there will be many customizations options that embody all of Nintendo’s games. There will also be cross network play and exclusive Switch battle cars as well. The game will become available during this holiday season.
What took the show would be that gameplay was shown for Super Mario Odyssey and the first image seen was a dinosaur. The game will now allow Mario to throw his hat. Players can also turn Mario into electricity and travel through electrical power lines to traverse the world. The developers really want to encourage players to explore to get the most out of the game.
Stay tuned for more E3 coverage as the festivities are now underway.