A Nintendo Direct Is Coming This Tuesday

It seems that the rumors were somewhat true. Finally, after a long string of silence, a new Nintendo Direct was confirmed for Tuesday, September 13, 2022. While the content within the Direct is still a mystery, Nintendo confirmed in their official Twitter announcement that the upcoming Direct will contain “roughly 40 minutes of information” of upcoming games for this winter. The direct will be streamed live on Nintendo’s official YouTube channels at 7 AM PT/10 AM ET, with the exception of Nintendo UK. Out of respect for the national mourning regarding The Queen’s death, Nintendo UK will the Direct will be published on Nintendo Uk’s YouTube channel at 16:00 UK time (4 PM GMT).


The current Nintendo catalog of notable games has been dry as of late, with the occasional shadow-dropping of content, a new direct has been needed desperately. Speculation regarding Nintendo’s illusive directs has been a constant happenstance throughout the summer, the most notable coming from Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb. According to Grubb, the upcoming direct will likely have some Zelda-specific news. Since the Direct will be 40 minutes of new content, it is unlikely that something as big as Breath of The Wild 2 will be shown.

Rumors surrounding Nintendo Directs have always been plentiful, despite most being blown wildly out of proportion. Regardless nothing has been confirmed.Hopefully, Nintendo’s upcoming winter titles will be enough to sustain Nintendo fans’ cravings for content till the next Direct, whenever that might be.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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