A Mystery Xbox Franchise is in the Works for a Sequel that May Take a Decade to Develop

As video games progress even further, more and more time needs to be put into them, especially in the case of triple-A games. Microsoft may be continuing this trend with the reveal of a sequel to a pre-existing franchise seemingly being on the horizon, with horizon being used loosely according to IGN

Being revealed in a gamer lawsuit against the Microsoft-Activision deal, Stephen Totilo from Axios news revealed documents from the case on Twitter. These documents showed redacted information regarding an upcoming sequel planned for an Xbox title that is set to release upwards to a decade from now. 

Totilo goes a bit more in depth later describing that Microsoft’s internal data is shared with the lawyers for legal purposes and the lawyers then redact that information themselves. The game in question is obviously not at the point of being shared publicly, but it does lead fans to speculate what franchise it could be.

A plausible guess given by IGN was a new Elder Scrolls VI, which was in its design phase as recently as 2021. This has also been the most popular guess from the Twitter comments responding to Totilo’s tweet, since little has been said about updates to the Skyrim follow-up.

However this level of information is far too little to confirm what this mystery title could be. The only thing confirmed is that this is a continuation of a pre-existing franchise, so it will take some time to learn more details about this game, especially if the game has a foreseen ten year development cycle.

That being said, Microsoft’s Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct are set for June 11. While ten years might be a little too much foresight towards a game, if there were going to be any updates on this game, it would be there.

Alex Balderston: I am a news writer with a love of all things video games. My dad got me into video games at four years old with Backyard Baseball and since then I have been hooked. I have a sweet spot for Nintendo games, however I am always looking for the new games to spark my interest.
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