A Baldur’s Gate 3 Hot Take Ignites Fiery Online Discussion Over Turn-Based Combat

Turn-based combat has been an acquired taste at best and displeasing at worst for many gamers over the years. Opinions around the combat system range from it simply being too boring or even confusing to understand depending on the type of gameplay mechanics that are added around it.

Recently, with the success of Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3, more people have been exposed towards turn-based combat than ever before, and as a result, discussion around the battle system has been brought to the mainstream for better or worse.

A recent post on X, formerly known as Twitter, by user Synth Potato sparked an intense discussion when suggesting that Larian Studios should add an option for real-time combat to Baldur’s Gate 3.

“…A huge amount of players including myself who want to get into the game cannot due to turn-based,” wrote Synth Potato. “They’d prob triple their sales and be able to reach a much wider audience if they added that as an option, BG1 & BG2 weren’t turn-based.”

Unsurprisingly, the post quickly circulated around Twitter as many people decided to giving their two cents on the matter. Most came down hard on Potato, largely due to their annoyance at the negative perception around turn-based combat.

Others noted that real-time combat just wouldn’t translate well on a game like Baldur’s Gate 3. YouTubers Mischief, SomeOrdinaryGamers and TheMightyKeef echoed that sentiment in their respective quote tweets.

“99% of the game’s choice-based systems literally could not function with real-time combat,” wrote Mischief. “You’d have to make the entire game from the ground up. Quit begging for developers to ruin their games just because they don’t appeal to them.”

“This is a turn-based game that’s heavily cantered around being turn-based. Asking to change this is like asking a game of chess to turn into Call Of Duty…” wrote Mutahar.

“This is a horrible idea and waste of money and resources imo,” wrote TheMightyKeef. “This feels like the thing where people ask FromSoft to make an easy mode for their souls games. The gameplay is part of the vision of the developers.”

Both Mutahar and The Mighty Keef’s posts concluded that the game simply wasn’t for Synth Potato, a sentiment echoed by others.

However, Synth Potato’s post also had some supporters. Content Creator and visual artist RhinoTheBouncer made a lengthy quote tweet critiquing the fiery comments against Synth Potato, stating that their post was a “harmless suggestion that could open the game to a whole new audience…”

“…Just few years ago, everyone was all over “games being accessible” when people asked for easy mode on Elden Ring, even when those games were fundamentally based on being challenging and forcing players to create their own builds,” wrote Rhino.

“I’m the first person to say that not every game has to be for everyone and it’s ok to accept a game isn’t for you, but people are being unnecessarily rude and saying stuff like “stop pressuring devs to do xyz”, fan suggestions have no power over devs,” he continued.

“Let’s stop with this mentality of “players forced CDPR to release Cyberpunk 2077 early” because games aren’t launched because a few Twitter accounts spammed about them. It’s ok to disagree, but it’s not ok to be rude over a harmless opinion.”

After bluntly responding to a number of comments that likely riled up people even more, Synth Potato made a follow-up post sharing his final thoughts on the outrage the initial post caused.

“Turn-based is not for me and that’s okay, I just wanted to ask for an option that allows me to enjoy Baldur’s Gate 3’s story and choices as much as everyone else without dealing with a combat system that doesn’t work for me and many others…” wrote Synth Potato.

“Acc Not sure why this got everyone so offended tbh. you have your game that you love & my post and request won’t change that, go have fun, getting angry at me is pointless.”

Discussion around the post has moderately slowed down but it’s clearly far from over. More than anything, this situation revealed an interesting snapshot in the ever evolving perception of Turn-based combat within the video game community.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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