The controversial saga involving Gearbox Software and 3D Realms in a legal tussle over the Duke Nukem rights has finally been settled.
As revealed over at NeoGAF, Gearbox and 3D Realms settled their dispute over the rights to everyone’s favorite cigar chomping badass under what’s legally known as an “alternative dispute resolution,” which basically means they settled their case with the involvement of a neutral third party.
The nitty gritty details of the case are, of course, confidential, but the court documents revealed on NeoGAF suggest that 3D Realms now has the option to buy back the rights to Duke Nukem. Neither Gearbox nor 3D Realms nor their parent company Interceptor Entertainment have commented on the results of the case.
This legal battle began when Gearbox filed a lawsuit against 3D Realms, who were working on a new Duke Nukem game, subtitled Mass Destruction, despite the fact that Gearbox owned the rights to Duke Nukem. “Apparently, after selling its Duke Nukem IP rights to Gearbox in 2010, 3DR sought to privately convince others that the sale never happened,” Gearbox alleged, “The result is the unauthorized development effort that reportedly exists between 3DR and Interceptor.”
Duke Nukem Mass Destruction is no longer being worked on, its assets and concepts having been converted into a new upcoming ip, Bombshell.