Square Enix hosted their Square Enix Presents to show off their upcoming lineup. To start the show off Eidos Montreal debuted their long rumored Guardians of the Galaxy game simply titled Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The game got a huge blowout with a short trailer and then a gameplay demo. The game will be a third person shooter and single player only and players will be playing as Star Lord aka Peter Quill as he leads the Guardians early on in their life as a group. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is set to release on October 26, 2021.
After that, Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remasters were quickly shown off. The games will be coming to both Steam and mobile platforms. Unfortunately, no updated gameplay was show, but more information is set to come soon. Then Marvel’s Avengers showed off a bit of their road map for 2021 including the hyped up Battle for Wakanda. The update showed Marvel villain Ulysses Klaw bombing Wakanda before Black Panther came to save the day.
There was then a short look at Square Enix’s mobile slate. First we got the announcement of Hitman Sniper which will focus on Agent 46 after Agent 47 goes missing. Nier Reincarnation got another short look. Final Fantasy: Brave Exodus is getting new content, and finally, the mobile battle royale, Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier got a short new trailer.
Babylon’s Fall finally got more information detailed. The game will be a co-op live service hack and slash game in a similar vein to Platinum’s other titles. The game features a “brushwork style” to create the art style of the game. There was also a short developer interview that gave insight into the development of the game. There will also be closed beta tests that fans can sign up for.
Following that, Square gave fans a look at the Life is Strange Remaster. There was a short montage highlighting scenes from the first game and its prequel. The release date was revealed as September, 30 2021. Life is Strange: True Colors got another quick look where it showed how the main character Alex’s empathy powers work and how that will impact her relationships in the game.
To end the show, the rumored Final Fantasy game from Team Ninja was revealed. Named Stranger of Paradise A Final Fantasy Origin, the trailer showed off some of the Souls-inspired combat as well as hints at the story. Fans were also introduced to the party of characters known as the Warriors of Light as they aim to hunt down and kill a being named Chaos. A PlayStation 5 demo is set to release soon.
You can check out the full Square Enix Presents presentation below: