Millions of fans of the Nintendo brawler Super Smash Bros have a reason to spend hours button mashing again. Not only has the competitive world of Smash Brothers taken off and been featured as part of Major League Gaming circuit several times. Also tournaments are now happening world wide. As well as it being popular on twitch and having a prize pool of 500,000 dollars according to Smashboards. This game series is on fire and showing no sign of stopping.
So what’s new with this DLC content? It includes first the Zelda Pirate Ship level from Brawl on the Wii. This Windwaker themed level was a personal favorite of mine, because you never know when some random explosion or tornado is going to switch the game advantage. Next we have the Super Mario Maker stage. What else other than release a stage best off of the game that has record sales for Nintendo. According to the Nintendo trailer this stage is different every time and a lifelike hand, not to be confused with the white master hand, draws the stage differently every time you play.
Other DLC specials are for your custom brawlers. According to Gamespot they will feature addons to Super Smash Bros to make your brawler have a costume design from Kid Icarus, Star Fox, and the Monster Hunter series. These costumes will cost 75 cents each or 1.15 bundled together. Which is absolutely worth it for those who like Amiibo brawlers.
The only downside is that only the Wii U version will be getting the Wind Waker Pirate themed level for 2.00 in the Nintendo E-shop. However the costumes and Super Mario Maker level for 2.99 are available for the 3DS and Wii U. This probably won’t be the last of the DLC content so go play some fun new levels and keep Brawling.