You might not be aware that there is a fan-made remake/dream project of Star Wars Battlefront 3, or that the game is in its Pre-Alpha phase. The fan project, named Galaxy in Turmoil, was made as the unofficial sequel to Battlefront 2 that may have been announced by LucasArts in 2006 but was never released. It’s unsure whether the game by LucasArts was supposed to be Battlefront 3, but either way Frontwire Studios, the Star Wars fans behind Galaxy in Turmoil, released some new images and details from the game’s “Pre-Alpha phase.”
Galaxy in Turmoil is being created using Unreal Engine 4 and the developers plan on releasing the project for free. The project is being made from the ground up, and as Frontwire says is “what Battlefront III was meant to be.” The remake’s main developers are TheDarkSithLord, ColeT2014, CoolJedy, Corra_Ashu, and Dinozvar, as well as anyone with development skills who wants to join. In a stream on the studio’s Twitch page, the developers gave us some details on the game including:
- Game is in pre-alpha
- All classic Battlefront modes will be made available
- Matches will be 32v32
- Mod Support could come after launch
- No health regeneration
- A video will be released on May 4th, Star Wars Day
Of course, there’s the big question of how Disney is reacting to Galaxy in Turmoil. During their stream, the developers said that if Disney told them to shut it down they would do it immediately, though they would try to work a way for the game to get released. Right now the game is no longer available on ModDB.com, so Disney might have gotten word of the project and request it got taken down. That doesn’t mean the game won’t get released, after all this is a fan game being released for free so the mods aren’t trying to profit off an established property. At this point it seems to be up to Disney and their teams of lawyers.
Star Wars Battlefront III has been rumored to be in development since 2006. Since LucasArts got shut down, many Star Wars games that were in development were abruptly cancelled, including games like Star Wars 1313 and Star Wars Republic Commando 2. Galaxy in Turmoil is a labor of love from Star Wars fans who didn’t want the game to fade away. Although there already is a new Battlefront game, many people criticized it for not being as good as the original games. We’ll see where Galaxy in Turmoil ends up, hopefully we’ll be able to play it soon.